
Prosight Partners

Helping entrepreneurs find strategic investors for growth, or buyers for exit from fifteen-plus geographies globally.

About Us

Prosight Partners is a globally diversified company headquartered out of Canada specialising in strategic investor search. The management team has more than 150 years combined experience as entrepreneurs, business heads and investment bankers.
Started in 1997, Prosight has investor sourcing capabilities from more than fifteen key international locations and a rapidly expanding market presence across the globe – with the aim of being present in more than 50 countries by 2022.

Our Services

We help entrepreneurs to find strategic investors (or buyers in case of an exit) across global markets

Our Clients

  • We cater to entrepreneurs at all stages – it could be a startup, an SME or a large business
  • However we prefer engaging in transactions with a deal size between USD 3 million to USD 100 million funding requirement to execute three years of a growth plan
  • We prefer not engaging in bridge funding deals where entrepreneurs require smaller amounts to provide short term working capital. However we do offer bridge funding as an additional support if needed once company signs for long term funding

International Investor Network

There are 15 key geographies globally where we have investor sourcing capabilities supported by local presence of investor negotiation coordinator –

  • India
  • South East Asia
  • Japan
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Australia
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • UK
  • Scandinavia
  • Russia
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy

Focus Industry Sectors

While we are sector agnostic, we have the most experience & expertise in the following 8 sectors –

  • Healthcare
  • Tech
  • Food
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Engineering & Infrastructure
  • Fashion & Lifestyle
  • Education
  • Media & Digital

Our Investor Network

  • Ultra HNWIs
  • Single-Family Offices
  • Strategic Venture Funds
  • Corporate Venture Funds
  • Diversified Conglomerates
  • Key Global Industry Players
  • Sovereign Funds
Our Services

We help entrepreneurs to find strategic investors (or buyers in case of an exit) across global markets

Our Clients

  • We cater to entrepreneurs at all stages – it could be a startup, an SME or a large business
  • However we prefer engaging in transactions with a deal size between USD 3 million to USD 100 million funding requirement to execute three years of a growth plan
  • We prefer not engaging in bridge funding deals where entrepreneurs require smaller amounts to provide short term working capital. However we do offer bridge funding as an additional support if needed once company signs for long term funding

International Investor Network

There are 15 key geographies globally where we have investor sourcing capabilities supported by local presence of investor negotiation coordinator –

  • India
  • South East Asia
  • Japan
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Australia
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • UK
  • Scandinavia
  • Russia
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy

Focus Industry Sectors

While we are sector agnostic, we have the most experience & expertise in the following 8 sectors –

  • Healthcare
  • Tech
  • Food
  • Travel & Hospitality
  • Engineering & Infrastructure
  • Fashion & Lifestyle
  • Education
  • Media & Digital

Our Investor Network

  • Ultra HNWIs
  • Single-Family Offices
  • Strategic Venture Funds
  • Corporate Venture Funds
  • Diversified Conglomerates
  • Key Global Industry Players
  • Sovereign Funds

We cater to entrepreneurs who are heading either a startup or an MSME, across eight key industry sectors.

Years of experience
International locations with investor network
Industry sectors we specialize in
Countries where we have a market presence
Mandates worked on

Client Testimonials

“ This is to certify that prosight partners was our sole investment banking advisor for faciliating our venture’s Arza Bibi’s strategic dis-investment transaction with Old World Hospitality. Mr. Sanjeev Malhotra and his team from Prosight Partners were driving the mandate which included global investor search, coordination…
Kavinder KhannaFounder, Tech Food and Beverages Pvt. Ltd.
“I have known Sanjeev Malhotra of Prosight Partners since 2004. He approached me then with the idea of opening English language schools in India. I agreed and in those ensuing years, Sanjeev was instrumental in providing much needed legwork and assistance in the research of all elements necessary to open a business…
Richard NovekDirector of Operations, ILSC Education Group
“Mr. Sanjeev Malhotra and his team from prosight partners was driving the mandate which included global investor search, coordination during negotiations on valuation and business plan, and signing of term sheet and then post term sheet coordination of due dilligence and finally signing of all the documents…
Visham SikandFounder, Indian Health Organisation
“Hard to believe it has been over 5 years that Prosight has assisted me in various ways of researching the Indian market with suppliers and connections. Your help has been invaluable. Over time, My India connections created by you have proven to be reliable for consistent communication, timeliness, quality and price value. These qualities are the most important…
Ann W WellerPresident, Open Circle, Inc.
“This is to certify that Prosight Overseas Strategic Consultants was a founder member of ICNA (International Consultants Network Association) in Mulhouse since 1997. Further, Mr. Sanjeev Malhotra was nominated as a member to the Board of Trustees in 1999, all other members of Board were from Europe. Mr. Malhotra, was instrumental in…
Patrick Rein
“This is to certify that Eutron Spa, headquartered in Bergamo in Italy, had mandated Prosight Overseas Strategic Consultants Private Limited to conduct market study to help us understand viability for our products in India market. The report is to our satisfaction and we appreciate Prosight for their support….
Ruggero GissiBusiness Unit Manager, Eutron Spa
“Mr. Sanjeev Malhotra (Director, Prosight Overseas Strategic Consultants Pvt. Ltd.) and his team from Prosight Partners were driving the mandate which included global investor research, coordination during negotiations on valuation and business plan and sigining of term sheet and then post term sheet coordination of due diligence and final preparation and signing of agreements…
Puneet NebVice President, Via Media Health


Contact us


Prosight Consulting Canada Ltd
3-9688 Second St. Sidney,
British Columbia
Canada V8L3C4

Vancouver | New Delhi | New York | Dubai | Dublin | Paris | Luxembourg | Melbourne | Tokyo | Auckland | Bangkok | Singapore | Hong Kong | Vientiane | Hanoi | Phnom Penh

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      Helping entrepreneurs find strategic investors for growth, or buyers for exit from fifteen plus geographies globally.

      ©2020 Prosight Partners. All Rights Reserved.


      Helping entrepreneurs find strategic investors for growth, or buyers for exit from fifteen plus geographies globally.

      ©2020 Prosight Partners. All Rights Reserved.

      Helping entrepreneurs find strategic investors for growth, or buyers for exit from fifteen plus geographies globally.
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